400,000+ Stars Ready to Elevate Your Brand

Our Star Community, filled with over 400.000 real consumers, have stories to tell. Stories that can be a powerful tool to guide your target audiences towards your brand and products.

Real, Reliable And Relatable

That is why we call our community filled with over 400.000 real consumers, our Star Community. And our stars have stories to tell. Stories that can be a powerful tool to guide your target audiences towards your brand and products. Building awareness and eventually boosting your sales.

Unparalleled Matching
We believe that matching your target audience to the consumers in our community is the key to creating UGC that does the trick. The right consumer will deliver honest UGC that will guide your target audience on the verge of a buying decision, towards the best choice for them. Which of course just happens to be your product.

Our Star Community consists of:

We are a data driven, human powered platform that delivers consumer trust. We unleash the common consumer’ voice in genuine reviews, provocative social buzz and sticky social content.

Star Reviewers

Our community consist of consumers that are eager to test your product and publish their story about it. One reviewer can create and publish up to four different reviews on four different platforms or marketplaces. Word of mouth has become scalable. Read More

Social Stars

The community members that not only produce reviews but publish their stories within their own social networks as well, we call Social Stars. They go from common consumer to brand ambassador in a single social post. Read More

Stars Creators

The community members that are skilled with their camera, whether it is video or photo, are our Star Creators. Ready to test your product and create visual social content you can publish on your owned platforms. Read More

Our Star Community Keeps Growing
The quality of our community is one of our greatest assets. We learned that building a diverse and really active community is the key to delivering the results our clients are looking for. And if we do not have the kind of consumers in the markets our clients are looking for, we actively go out and recruit them.
Have our Stars Tell Your Story!
Intrigued by Our Vibrant Community? Let Us Unveil How They Propel Brands Forward!
Intrigued by Our Vibrant Community? Let Us Unveil How They Propel Brands Forward! audience. All our client works closely with one of our Customer Success Manager