What Is Consumer Activation and Why It Matters for Brands

Hey there!
Have you ever wondered why some brands just seem to “get” their customers, making them feel seen, heard, and eager to engage? The secret sauce often boils down to something called consumer activation. At Stars and Stories, we are experts in it and it feels so natural to us that we take it for granted. But it turns out that many of our Clients, from the folks at Google to the marketeers at L’Oréal aren’t so aware of it. So we thought we should write a blog about it. What exactly is consumer activation, why should you care, and how much does it typically cost? Let’s dive in together.


So, What Is Consumer Activation?

In the simplest terms, consumer activation is all about encouraging your audience to take action. It’s moving people from just thinking about your brand to actually engaging with it—be that through making a purchase, writing a review, sharing a post, or any other interaction that benefits both them and you. Imagine you’ve just launched a new line of eco-friendly sneakers. You don’t just want people to glance at them; you want them to try them on, love them, and tell their friends. Consumer activation is the journey you create to make that happen.

Why Does Consumer Activation Matter?

  1. Building Real Connections In today’s world, people crave authentic relationships with brands. By activating consumers, you’re not just selling a product; you’re building a community. This leads to loyal customers who stick around and support you through thick and thin.
  2. Boosting Engagement Active consumers are more likely to interact with your brand—leaving reviews, sharing feedback, and spreading the word. This kind of engagement is gold because it amplifies your reach without hefty marketing spends.
  3. Driving Growth When consumers are activated, they’re more inclined to make purchases and become repeat customers. This directly impacts your bottom line, helping your business grow sustainably.


How Does Consumer Activation Works?

Think of consumer activation as a friendly nudge that encourages people to participate. At Stars and Stories, we’ve honed this approach into a few key steps that make the magic happen:

1. Start with People Who Are Passionate About Your Products

It’s so much easier to engage someone who already loves what you offer. When people are genuinely interested, they’re more likely to get involved—whether that’s writing a glowing review or answering questions in a brand survey. For example: An amateur chef is probably more excited about the latest cooking gadgets than golf accessories (unless they happen to love golf, too!). By focusing on those who share a passion for your niche, you’re setting the stage for authentic and enthusiastic participation. At Stars and Stories, we build Reviewclub and Buzzador, two communities of over 700.000 passionate consumers.

2. Look for Storytellers

Once you’ve found your tribe of passionate people, try to work with those who have a knack for storytelling. These folks don’t need to be big-time influencers. Maybe they take great photos or have a way with words. The key is that they can create content that resonates. Tip: Check out their social media profiles to see if they have a flair for capturing moments or sharing thoughts in an engaging way.

3. Make Them Feel Valued

Everyone likes to feel important, right? Let these individuals know that their opinions truly matter to you. Reach out in the most personal way you can.
Imagine this: You’ve identified 50 enthusiastic people. Instead of sending a generic message, you take the time to personalize your outreach. Maybe you mention a recent post they made or a shared interest. By showing that you admire their knowledge and value their input, you’re building a genuine connection. Something that works for us is using our personal stories when we connect. We always start with whom we are, what life we live and what we are passionate about. Only then we start asking.

4. Just Ask for Their Help

Sometimes, all it takes is a simple, heartfelt request. Sending a personal message asking for their support can work wonders. People appreciate honesty and are often happy to help when approached sincerely.

Real-Life Example

Let’s look at what we did for LEGO.
LEGO wanted to promote their Marvel series, so we set out to find die-hard Marvel fans—you know, the ones who want to own everything related to their favorite superheroes. We reached out to them with a personal message, expressing how much we admire their dedication to the Marvel universe.
We invited them to join us in celebrating their passion by creating content at every step of assembling their new LEGO Marvel kits. No scripts, no heavy guidelines—just pure, unfiltered enthusiasm.


This activation led to amazing results:

  • Engagement soared as these fans shared photos and videos of their building adventures, tagging friends and fellow enthusiasts.
  • New customers discovered LEGO’s Marvel series through these authentic posts, intrigued by the genuine excitement.
  • Sales increased because people were inspired by the shared experiences and wanted to join in the fun.

All from a friendly prompt to share their experiences while building the LEGO set!

This activation led to amazing results:

  • Engagement soared as these fans shared photos and videos of their building adventures, tagging friends and fellow enthusiasts.
  • New customers discovered LEGO’s Marvel series through these authentic posts, intrigued by the genuine excitement.
  • Sales increased because people were inspired by the shared experiences and wanted to join in the fun.

All from a friendly prompt to share their experiences while building the LEGO set!

What Does Consumer Activation Cost?

Now, you might be wondering, “This sounds great, but what’s it going to cost me per activation?” Fair question! Let’s break it down in simple terms.

Understanding the Investment Per Activation

The cost of consumer activation can vary, but when you go shopping around, here’s a general idea of what you might expect per activation:

Basic Activations
  • Activating One Person to Write a Review: Cost Estimate per Activation: €50 to €150. This includes identifying the right person, personalized outreach, and perhaps a small incentive like a discount voucher.
  • Encouraging One Person to Share Photos or Testimonials: Cost Estimate per Activation: €50 – €200. Costs might include providing a product sample, personal communication, and managing the content collection.
  • Activating One Micro-Influencer with Around 15,000 Followers: Cost Estimate per Activation: €100 – €300. This covers their fee for creating and sharing content about your brand.

Cost of Activation at Stars and Stories

One-Time Activation Cost Per Person: Instead of paying separately for each type of content, you pay a one-time activation fee.

All Content Is Yours: Once a consumer is activated, all the reviews, photos, social posts, and any other content they create and share online is available to you for free.

Example Breakdown

If you activated a single person, here’s what you would typically pay separately for each piece of content in the market vs. the one-time activation cost with Stars and Stories:

Content TypeIndustry Value (if paid separately)Value from One Activation at Stars and Stories
Social Post€150Included
User-Generated Photo€250Included
Content Creator Post€500Included
Survey Answer€3 per answerIncluded
Product Purchase€100Included

By opting for the one-time activation fee model with Stars and Stories, you save the hassle and cost of paying for each piece of content separately. This table showcases how every activation turns into multiple pieces of content at a great value.

Calculating the Value in Euros per Activation (ROI)

It’s important to weigh the costs against the potential return on investment (ROI). Here’s how you might look at it per activation:

Increased Sales

If one activated consumer leads to five new customers each spending €50, that’s €250 in revenue.

Content Creation Savings

If a consumer provides high-quality photos you can use in marketing (which might cost €100 per photo from a professional photographer), you save on those expenses.

Enhanced Brand Awareness

The organic reach from one person sharing about your brand can lead to dozens or even hundreds of new potential customers.

Is It Worth the Cost Per Activation?

Absolutely! While there’s an upfront investment, the long-term benefits often outweigh the costs:

  • Higher Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Activated consumers tend to be more loyal, increasing the total revenue they bring over time.
  • Organic Growth: Happy, engaged customers become brand ambassadors, promoting your business for free.
  • Competitive Edge: Standing out in a crowded market is invaluable. Activation helps you build a unique relationship with your audience.

We feel that the value of an activation far outweighs the costs of an activation that we charge at Stars and Stories. In most cases, therefore, our Clients see an immediate ROI on each euro/dollar spent of over 250%.

Getting Started with Consumer Activation

If you’re thinking about how to activate your consumers without breaking the bank, here are some budget-friendly tips:

  • Start Small: Test the waters with a simple campaign on social media. See how your audience responds and build from there.
  • Leverage Existing Customers: Encourage your current customers to share their experiences. A little appreciation can go a long way.
  • Use Affordable Tools: There are plenty of low-cost or even free platforms to help you manage campaigns and collect UGC.
  • Measure and Adapt: Keep an eye on the results. What’s working? What’s not? Adjust your approach accordingly to maximize your ROI.

Wrapping Up

Consumer activation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a smart investment in building meaningful relationships with your audience. While there’s a cost involved, the potential returns—increased sales, brand loyalty, and organic growth—make it a worthwhile endeavor.

So, next time you’re planning your marketing budget, consider setting aside some funds for consumer activation. With a thoughtful approach, you’ll not only engage your customers but also see a tangible impact on your bottom line.


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